About Linkmedia

& markets
Linkmedia is a full-spectrum media agency that connects market opportunities with the world’s hottest converting projects and offers.
With a global network live in 35 countries, we develop services to handle e-payments, serve ads, market themselves, develop online channels, and connect market opportunities with business results.
What We Offer

At Linkmedia, we’re constantly innovating. And while our portfolio of services is always evolving, our core business lines include:
Powering e-commerce channels and marketing platforms live in 35 countries, we provide easy and cost-effective ways of gathering and processing payments. We’ve integrated our offerings with VISA and MasterCard for maximum availability and security.
With over 20 years of experience, we are unparalleled in our ability to link people wanting their online ads to be seen with a portfolio of 10,000+ publishers willing to host them. We use technology to optimise how and where we serve ads, to get excellent traction at competitive costs.
Web Development
We provide bespoke web development for networks requiring an effective presence in the online world. With our web development experts, we continue to excel in designing and developing fully responsive and interactive websites.
Live in 35 countries, we are running well designed e-commerce platforms that also provides convenient marketing opportunities and thereby tremendous organizational growth.